
Hey there! I am currently working as a Consultant in Microsoft based out if India. I love to explore and hack on new technologies. My primary interest involves cloud based application development but i have recently gained interest in Data analytics, DevOps and HoloLens! Yes, those are all very different domains, but that’s what i love about technology; There is no limit to learning cool stuff.


I define my success by how i am able to make an impact by applying my learning and capabilities to solve challenging, real world problems to provide true value to end users. Besides technology, my passion includes Strategy PC games and sports. Yes, i generalized it to “sports” because i can literally enjoy any sport on the face of this planet. I am a big procrastinator, which is why this blog is way for me to challenge myself. I will try and write 1 or 2 blog posts each week and see how it goes. Hope you like it.

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